When I leave prayer time rejoicing I praise God for it, but when I leave feeling flat and disgruntled I feel guilty and apologise to God for not doing better. This morning was just such a 'nothing/empty words' time and, when I began to apologise, I felt God saying this;
Don't put yourself down just because you didn't feel good during prayers.
Feeling is irrelevant. Your prayers are surely heard, no matter how good
or bad you feel during or after them. You have set aside time to pray, time
to be with God, and that's what matters.
I don't act on prayers according to how much you felt them. I act on all
prayers because they are addressed to Me. If you feel good afterwards,
that is a bonus. My Spirit still flows through you, whether you feel it or not.
Wow! What a loving God we have! Praise His name!
Mother Julian bellsofnorwich.net